Life Insurance allows you to compare quotes from leading UK life insurers online in seconds.
Life insurance quotes
are provided by companies like Aegon, Liverpool Victoria, AXA, Aviva, Scottish Provident and more.
Cover is available
from £5 per month depending on your age and cover can be bought online up to the age of 90.
Level Term insurance
helps you protect your family and it gives you a fixed level of cover over a fixed number of years. You can choose the amount
of cover you want online.
Critical illness cover is available which provides you with cover for specified critical illnesses
which could affect your life and work and is designed to pay a lump sum if you are diagnosed with one of the listed critical
illnesses during the term pf your policy.
Debenhams also offer a Mortgage Life Insurance policy. You choose the length of the policy
(which is usually the same as the remaining years on your mortgage) and the initial level of cover at the outset. This policy
will pay out on the death of the insured, or if critical illness cover is added, on the diagnosis of a specified critical
illness. Whichever occurs first.
Debenhams are also offering new policy holders a £50 debenhams gift card which will be
sent to you after you have made your 6th monthly life insurance payment.*

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of Investment Discounts On-Line Ltd, who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority under the reference
no. 197451. is a trading style of Investment Discounts On-Line Ltd.